Recurrent Miscarriage

Treatment Options for Recurrent Miscarriage
At NYU Langone RSNY, our team of fertility specialists and embryologists collaborate with nurses, psychologists, and wellness experts to treat families who experience recurrent miscarriage.
Our physicians have decades of experience with the evaluation of reproductive health and diagnosis of conditions affecting fertility. We work with patients to identify the causes of miscarriage, from genetic abnormalities to structural issues, and offer the appropriate, individualized treatment pathway for each. Our physicians are also experts in In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) using Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT) and diagnosis, a procedure that tests for genetic problems in embryos, such as the chromosomal abnormalities that commonly cause recurrent miscarriage. This allows for the transfer of only healthy embryos during in vitro fertilization, significantly reducing the risk of miscarriage.
Recurrent Miscarriage: Frequently Asked Questions
What is Recurrent Miscarriage?
Recurrent Miscarriage is defined as the unintended end of two or more pregnancies before the 20th week of fetal development.
How is Recurrent Miscarriage treated?
Our doctors offer the most advanced treatments available for recurrent miscarriage. Early in the evaluation we examine the uterus for structural abnormalities that could lead to miscarriage. Occasionally, surgical correction via laparoscopy or hysteroscopy is indicated. More commonly, the uterus is found to be normal, leading us to offer In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT), and Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET).
How soon after recurrent miscarriage can I attempt to conceive?
Following recurrent miscarriage, your doctor will run a series of diagnostic tests to determine if there are structural issues within the reproductive system, chromosomal irregularities or hormonal imbalances. Depending upon the results of these tests, your doctor may recommend that you try to conceive naturally following your next menstrual cycle (which typically occurs four to six weeks following miscarriage). Should your doctor determine medical treatment is necessary, you will collaborate with your physician to determine an individualized course of care that fits your timeline.
What treatments are available for recurrent miscarriage?
For patients who have experienced multiple miscarriages, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) with Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT) may be the best course of care. This enables our team of fertility specialists and genetic counselors to test each embryo for specific genetic and chromosomal issues that may cause miscarriage and allows your doctor to transfer only healthy, chromosomally normal embryos to the uterus, greatly reducing the chance of miscarriage.
Does treating recurrent miscarriage require surgery?
Surgery is sometimes recommended to diagnose or treat conditions that lead to recurrent miscarriage. Occasionally, the removal of fibroids is necessary, although not all women with fibroids require surgery. Sometimes miscarriage is related to a uterus that did not develop normally, as in cases involving a uterine septum. While the procedures required are dependent upon each condition, common surgeries include hysteroscopy, laparoscopy and hysteroscopic metroplasty. All are performed under general anesthesia and patients typically return home on the same day.